Monday, October 19, 2009

27 weeks

Friday we were going to have our first date in a LONG time.

But the sitter got sick.

So...we took the kids.

To a sweet bowling alley. Which had to date from the 70s. or earlier. With little-to-no updates. :)

It was fun.

I bowled a 24. Or something. A very far cry from the 178s of my bowling league days. (little known fact: I was a member of the Plano East Bowling Team).

I blame it on the belly.

Here is the glorious belly of 27 weeks.

I post this to remind my husband that I can, in fact, look decent when the prospect of a date is before me.

And to remind him that I DO (sometimes) shower and dress.

(sick. and pathetic.)


beckstarr said...

We're twins and we don't even know it! We just took our two bowling for the first time, and Hannah barely lost to me by 2 points! With bumpers and a ramp! man. I whole-heartedly agree about the belly. And you look fabulous! I am only 3 weeks ahead of you and shant bear my profile for how large and in charge I am/feel. Ladies have started sympathizing with me about the last weeks before delivery. Ohh what is it coming to? I miss you! Hopefully we'll be able to visit soon!

Cyndie said...

you look gorgeous!!! I saw a picture of what my ankle used to look like, I think I will blog about it. It got a little depressing :( If you guys need a baby sitter let us know, or me at least. i have no problem jumping in the car and heading down there. :)

Sarah Hastings said...

You look fantastic! I can't believe you are 27 weeks already, your belly is so small! Sounds like a fun date, even if it was the kids!

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