Thursday, May 27, 2010

4 Months

Look who's 4 months old!

Anna's Stats:
12lbs 5 oz. Sweet and Petite
26 in long

I dont get how people make chunky babies! I feed this girl, I do!

But, really, we wouldn't change a single ounce of her.

-Is pretty dang tough. (has to be w/ 2 very loving older brothers...)
-Rolls All. Over. The. Place.
Its ridiculous. She rolled for the 1st time at 14 weeks, front to back, back to front. Then she stopped for a little bit. Then she rolled for a little bit.

And for the last several weeks she has been All. Over. I put her down in the living room, and a few minutes later, found her in the kitchen. Me. No. Likey. I want her to stay my tiny baby.

On that note- Christian often tells us "I want to keep Anna. I want to keep my baby sister. I want her to be our baby."

Hear, Hear!


Susan said...

Yeah, I have no idea how to make chunky babies. All I know is Evaline was 13 lbs by 2 months. Anna's just long and lean. Cute girl!

Austin and Marianne said...

I wouldn't say that 26 inches long is petite! Sure a cutie though!

tawna said...

her length isn't petite- but her weight sure is! :)

Cyndie said...

Maybe you have to eat a lot of Pillsbury products while pregnant to get chunky babies (jk, i didn't eat any and look at my Jack hee hee).

Anna is darling in those pics, so cute!!! She really is sweet, and I was uber impressed with her rolling capabilities. Yay Anna!!

May Family said...

She is so cute!! I hear you on the wanting them to stay being a baby. They just grow way too fast. Her arms and cheeks look pretty chubby, she definitely looks well fed :)

Jenn Miyamoto said...

4 months already?! I can't believe how quickly the time flies. Kaylee's already 2.5 years!!

Emily B. said...

Okay, I made myself laugh tonight (although you probably won't think it's funny). I have some "free" time and figured I'd finally catch up on blogs. I thought, I should see when Tawna is having her baby... ...Oh my gosh! Her baby is already 4 months old! I'm awful, but she is so darn cute and I want to hug her! So, a belated congratulations for your beautiful Anna!

Anonymous said...

what a cute granddaughter I have! Missin' holding her:(

Anonymous said...

the girl in the photo is very cute.

Anonymous said...

she is very beautiful ,I dream that i have a daughter like her.

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