Saturday, November 3, 2012

Zoo Day

We are extremely fortunate to live within 1.5 hr drive to TWO amazingly awesome zoos.
And we LOVE the zoo.

After lots of Saturdays spent of Daddy working with That Wylie Band  at marching competitions, he finally had a free day. So, we all went to the Dallas Zoo. We bought an annual pass and are really looking forward to LOTS more zoo days!

 Our pass came with some tickets for the safari monorail!

  There was a really neat bird show- and Patrick got to hold up a dollar bill and have a bird come grab it out of his hand. Unfortunately, I was too slow on the flash. :/
 Chan donating a dollar to the Birds in Flight conservation effort. 

        Channing was an incredible trooper- walking the ENTIRE day.  Even when big brother needed some stroller breaks, Chan kept trucking along, cheerful as ever.

Can't wait to go back!


PerryParty3 said...

Is that your baby?! He looks like a toddler! Oh wait...he is one now. Criekey! When did that happen!? yay for zoo's! And moving forward with life.

ruthio said...

i popped in wondering if there was a recent update and was happily surprised! fun to see all the pics of your kids and glad to hear you are doing some fun things now that you're back in the "city"!

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