Thursday, October 2, 2008

Channing's blessing

we blessed Channing Beckham Summerhays Aug 17th, 2008. We waited to bless him so that my parents could be in town for the occasion. So glad you were there, Mom and Dad!

It was a beautiful day and So wonderful to have so many family members there with us.

Vard, Becky, and kids came to the meeting, but left afterwards to go back to their ward's meetings. Josh, Lisa, and Mallory were also there, we just missed the picture.

After Sacrament, we had a wonderful brunch at the park right next to our church building.

It was so beautiful and really a perfect day. Channing looked like the angel he is in his new blessing outfit from his Grandma Summerhays.

Patrick did a wonderful job with the blessing. He is the best daddy to our little boys. I am so grateful they have such a wonderful man to look up and to hopefully be like one day. The Spirit was really strong that morning and throughout the whole day. I know Heavenly Father is watching over us, loves us, and wants the best for us.

I feel so blessed to have such a great little family!


Jenn Miyamoto said...

Seems like he's asleep in most of the pictures. ADORABLE!

Staigerfamily said...

SO SO Sweet! I love the outfit!

Jessica said...

What a beautiful family...

beckstarr said...

BAaah! Sooo cute, that channing is growing so fast! Did you get our letter?? i sure hope that I sent We hope you guys are doing well, and we love y'all!

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