Monday, April 27, 2009

Graduation Luncheon

Friday afternoon we had a luncheon.

It was so nice to gather with our family and eat good food and just enjoy the moment of peace and accomplishment.

Thanks everybody for your food contributions- it was delicious!! Thanks tams for the emotional support. :P

Our family was also extremely generous in gifts. Thank you thank you thank you!!! It seems the theme of the day was 'crafting for tawna'. I like that theme. A lot. :)

Our celebratory cake

Awesome AlumY t-shirts from Mom and Dad S.

During all this there was a mystery gift set against a wall. Patrick asked if it was for us, and I didn't know. He told me to go see if it was for us, but I felt tacky doing so. Finally, after much prodding, I casually walked by the gift. Sure enough, there was a plain index card with "Tawna" printed on it. Pretty sure there were no other Tawna's appearing in the pavillion that day. (It's a good thing my name isn't sara or something- if it says tawna, it pretty much must be for me...)

Noticing there was no card, I asked several people if it was from them. No one had a clue. So, since it CLEARLY must be for me. I started opening it.

Here's how it went:

It's my ultimate crafting/paper cutter machine!!!!

My sweetest husband got this for me a few months ago, right after a few of my dear friends got one on a killer sale. He had it sent to our sis/b.i.l's house and had them store it all this time. I had NO. IDEA.

It was amazing.

Thank you, sweetest. :)

Thank you everyone for your gifts and kindness. You are all amazing!! And yes, I will be making fabulous things to make you all proud. :)



Jonathan said...

I love the look on your face. Totally awesome! Now you can make me stuff. . . jk I am so impressed he could keep it secret from you! Very impressive.

Monica said...

What a sweetie of a husband!!! And, congratulations! :)

May Family said...

Yay! Super exciting. Congrats guys!

PerryParty3 said...

NO WAY!!!!
Oh my gosh
NOW, I'm totaly going to come visit
CONGRATS! I thought it was going to be the sewing machine.

PerryParty3 said...

oh, those alum shirts are so cool!
did you make the cake?

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