Thursday, July 22, 2010


Seriously. Where does it go?

I remember when I was younger, the year seemed to drag by. It was forever between my birthdays, Christmas, the school year starting again- and it makes sense. I mean, when you're 5, a year is a whopping 1/5 of your life. So birthdays ARE really far apart. But, the older you get, the smaller the fraction of your life a particular time segment is- thus the time starts whizzing by.

Are we seriously about to hit August? And another school year? Have we been here in good ol' Gunnison for almost a YEAR?

How did Anna get to be close to 6.5 months?

How did I get to be ALMOST TWENTY-FIVE??? (yes. Kinda freaking out about this one)

How is Christian going to be 4??

How can it be Friday tomorrow? Where did this week GO?

I seem to start each day with a few things that I really must get done.
problem is, I start many days needing to get the same thing done. But before I know it, the day is gone. And I'm waking up again thinking that today I really must get it done. And suddenly an entire week has gone by. eek.

I love my life. I am so grateful for it. I am grateful for my incredible husband, amazing kids, wonderful family, fabulous friends, beautiful home, feel-good community, free country, my testimony of the restored gospel, my talents, my abilities, the support of my hubbins to keep trying new things-

I have been trying to be a little more in the here and now in life and it seems like now it's on turbo speed. Stop! Slow down! I am enjoying myself and this life I am living! I certainly don't want to wish it away, pining for the future or the next big thing, or the dreaded yet oh-so-easy 'I'll be happy when' trap.

I need to work on my time management skills a little more. While there's not time to get it all done, I can certainly work on using the precious time that I do have a little more...resourcefully.

Hm. Speaking of which. I have a man sitting here (er, on the couch reading)who could use some good companionship time. Heaven knows I could too.



Kristyn said...

I hear ya sister! I swear that is the biggest struggle with being a stay at home mom. i feel like I'm still getting my bearings, and I've been at it for 3 1/2 years! :) You're doing a great job though. And your kids are turning out great. So I'm sure you're using your time better than you think. :)

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