Thursday, September 30, 2010

4th Bi-Annual (but-sometimes-we-get-off-schedule-and-its-annual+semiannual) Hadfield Family Reunion

(yes, that is how they slept every night)

This year we had our Hadfield Family Reunion at Zion's Nat'l Park.

It was pretty awesome.

-Flash Flood/thunderstorm
-Mudpit in the middle of our campsite
-sweating so much you can't sleep
-our ridiculously-small-tent-not-meant-for-2-adults-and-3-kids-even-if-it's-called-a-3-4-man-tent
-being able to see the stars perfectly under the netting of our tiny tent
-FINALLY getting some rest/coolness on a blissful tram ride
-escaping for an hour+drive around the canyon in my dream mini-van w/ 4 zonked out little boys. (no, I wasn't driving. I came along for the AC.)
-incredible sacrament meeting with my amazing, amazing family. And a wonderful testimony meeting. and loving my family with my whole guts.
-thoroughly rockin' Variety Show. And my brother(mildly shocking us all) in a hulu- skirt- wig and skirt. (no coconuts, though. Maybe next time?)
-hearing my niece belt it out at said talent show
-doing skits with my nephews/niece.
-Giant Family Birthday Party
-Amaaaazing food. Seriously. Yum.

-Coming in full agreement that next reunion needs to be AC'd? Priceless. :)

Grandkids #s 11 & 14. (anna is 18)

Hello, GQ

Thanks, fam. Glad we're in this thing forever. :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

What Kind of a Mother....

finishes up a preschool party with 3 boys running around unstringing yarn ALL over the house, lets the 2 year old run around with JUST (and yes, I mean JUST) his Curious George pj shirt, goes outside to chat with a mom(and dear friend) , while the 3 year old and 4 year old friend ride bikes, and the 2 year old is now running up and down the sidewalk wearing 2 different sized Buzz-Lightyear-tennis-shoes (on the wrong feet) and still JUST his pj shirt- all while saying how bad it probably is to allow the 2 year old to be streaking, yet loving it all the same- for about 15 minutes...and then only regrets not getting a picture of the crazily adorable 2 year old?

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Okay. So much to catch up on.
1)family reunion. and our fabulous take on the old spice commercial. ;)
2)FABULOUS, AMAZING, and all things spectacular Disneyland trip (prepare for photo overload. :) )
3)Our ridiculously cute kids.
4)our ONE YEAR mark of being gunnisonites. (!!!!)
5)house updates
6)etc. etc. etc.


As I was uploading a batch of pictures, I came across these two. And they seriously turned me into a melted puddle. (its a miracle I can even type right now)



(anyone else needing a mop now?)

The Summerhays Archives