Friday, May 16, 2008

*Koooohhh Paahhh* *Koooohhh Paahhh*

This is not a real post.

My breathing is out of control! As I was lying on the couch reading through old posts, it once again occurred to me how Darth Vaderish I am starting to sound--seriously! Okay, well, maybe not QUITE. My breaths are just very audible, not so much *kooohh pah*. Its a little pathetic. Its not like out-of-breath breathing, just loud breathing. If I really focus, I can breath quietly, but it leaves me feeling a little short on air. Lovely. Poor Patrick. After a long day we lie in bed trying to sleep. UHHHHHH HUHhhhhHHH UHHHHHHHH HUUUUUHHHHHH UHHHHHHHH HUUUUHHHHHHHH. I often find myself apologizing for out vocalizing our very loud furnace. Lovely.


Fab Five said...

I love reading your posts! They always make me laugh out loud!

PerryParty3 said...

umm..I'm trying to decide if that was a disturbing post, or if you are just high on sudafed or something. :) Just kidding. hope the nasal passages clear up soon!

tawna said...

Sadly tia, it has nothing to do with my nasal passages. Im pretty sure its this kid residing so delightfully upon my lungs.

Michelley said...

You crack me up!

The Summerhays Archives